Tuesday Open Thread
Farewell and godspeed (from writing syndicated columns) Thomas Sowell
View ArticleTower of Babble
Grenfell Tower, London, UK Conservative MP Daniel Hannan has some bracing and true words about the recent tragedy — the Grenfell Tower fire this past week. As in the UK so in the States when it comes...
View ArticlePodcasts — Top 5
Rufus and JimmyC both referenced podcasts in the past couple of days… so it’s a good opportunity to glean some good podcast info by sharing… as we’ve done with books, movies, etc. So “Top 5” isn’t...
View ArticleStatue of Limitations
You may recall that the protests in Charlottesville over the weekend (which turned violent after left-wing counter-protesters attacked the ugly but peaceful assembly) were sparked in protest of a...
View ArticlePrimary Colors
“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world! Red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!” Some of the biggest...
View ArticleChris Cornell Showed Us The Correct Response To Hate Groups
With Antifa and other radical left-wing groups running wild in the streets, rioting and assaulting people, their fellow leftists in the media, academia, etc. have been justifying their actions by...
View ArticleICYMI
There were a lot of mic drop moments from Ben Shapiro’s speech at Berkeley, but this one is my personal favorite. What you see in this video is what the Berkeley Left was so afraid of, what they...
View ArticleGun Control? People Control
The Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder Doug Wilson nails the heart of the gun control debate over at Blog and Mablog. To take one pertinent example, the communists, in the course of their vile...
View ArticlePrimary Colors
“Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world! Red and yellow black and white they are precious in His sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!” Some of the biggest...
View ArticleChris Cornell Showed Us The Correct Response To Hate Groups
With Antifa and other radical left-wing groups running wild in the streets, rioting and assaulting people, their fellow leftists in the media, academia, etc. have been justifying their actions by...
View ArticleICYMI
There were a lot of mic drop moments from Ben Shapiro’s speech at Berkeley, but this one is my personal favorite. What you see in this video is what the Berkeley Left was so afraid of, what they...
View ArticleGun Control? People Control
The Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder Doug Wilson nails the heart of the gun control debate over at Blog and Mablog. To take one pertinent example, the communists, in the course of their vile...
View ArticleMake It Memorable
It’s a cliche, but it’s true. Those of us who are in our 30s and above have probably noticed that the older we get, the more time seems to speed by, whereas when we were younger, things seemed slower....
View ArticleThe Mark Wahlberg/Michelle Williams Pay Gap Nontroversy Is Why The Media Sucks
You may have heard of a recent controversy regarding the movie All The Money In The World. No, not the fact that one of its stars, sexual harasser Kevin Spacey, was cut out of the film and replaced...
View ArticleJerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth…
The Valley of Elah from Azekah Recently I co-led a group of 40 college students to Israel for a 10-day stem to stern tour that covered both biblical and political Israel – not hard given the close...
View ArticleThank God for Jordan Peterson!
If you have 29:55 I highly recommend watching this video. I intend to watch it many times, to learn his techniques and work towards mastering them. He is so good at staying calm. Andrew Klavan has...
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