Friday Open Thread
From an essay by G.K. Chesterton entitled “The Efficiency of Police” The Illustrated London, April 1922
View ArticleMissing Christians
Whatever your views of the brouhaha over Syrian refugees (and many of them are refugees — which colors the debate over, but does not resolve the issues involved with whether or not to take them in)...
View ArticleHistory is Made in West Texas
Well, this is where all that sweet Amazon money that Bezos makes is going to… A 100% totally reusable spacecraft, landed vertically from sub-orbit… bet you didn’t see this on the evening news.
View ArticleMonday Open Thread
Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a...
View ArticleR.I.P. — Antonin Scalia
Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died at age 79: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the judicial standard-bearer of the conservative movement and the court’s most provocative...
View ArticleLiberal Morality Summarized in Two Tweets
Liberals like to excuse horrific acts like terrorism by claiming that there is no real good or evil, but in fact they do believe in good and evil. They just define those terms a little differently than...
View ArticleWake Me When October Ends
With my headspace now firmly locked in a Rubio ’20 mode, at which point I hope this year’s formerly best chance to instill genuine hope and re-spark American exceptionalism en route to defeating...
View ArticleThe Kids Are Alright
It can be tough to be optimistic about the future these days, what with so many Millennials following the Pied Piper of socialism, and our upcoming election coming down to a choice between Hillary...
View ArticleInconsistent Vegetative State
The priesthood of scientists and medical professionals… they don’t nearly as much squat as they purport to know. From the journal Aeon comes this unsurprising yet still disturbing story about how many...
View ArticleFree Your Mind …
Jay Mohr used to think the worst of Joe Paterno, Penn State, and Jerry Sandusky after the alleged scandal broke (there was a scandal, for sure, just not the one you think it was). As the false...
View ArticleGender Neutered Pronouns
UCLA Law professor Eugene Volokh at the Washington Post’s Volokh Conspiracy blog has an enfuriating/interesting piece on New York City’s plan to fine people for not using the proper pronoun to refer...
View ArticleTempered Steel
Dallas Police Chief David Brown The more I read about Dallas Police Chief David Brown the more optimistic I feel. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s homage to his protectors during his first...
View ArticleThird Party Liability
Kevin Williamson has a good write-up in National Review (sorry, Scott) on why Libertarians are (once again) not getting any traction in this election cycle. Personally, I think the idea of...
View ArticleWhy Trump is Right and Floyd Is An Elitist Hypocrite
The view from Floyd’s office. In this comment: Floyd Turbo gets on his high horse and tells unemployed blue collar folks they need to suck it up. Our Wal-Marts are full of cheap goods from China that...
View Article10 Things Republican Politicians Can Do To Turn America Red
Yesterday I posted about how the Democrats are able to beat us because they’re focused only on farming for votes rather than doing anything worthwhile for Americans. It’s corrupt and despicable, but...
View ArticlePoker, Straight, Two Faced
Here is Jonoathan Rauch, in the New York Times, highlights what is wrong with out politics — justifying lying — so long as it’s done in order to get things done. Here’s a taste: Often, the only way to...
View ArticleHow To Avoid Raising A Spoiled Snowflake
In the latest for Prager University, family psychologist John Rosemond discusses an issue that is crucial for parents wanting to raise happy, well-adjusted kids (and one that is often overlooked in...
View ArticleWinter is Coming: Sociology and the Next Great War
Here’s today’s ray of sunshine from the Modern War Institute . “Cohen said that while the election was surprising, there is ‘deeper stuff going on,’ a ‘deeper political disruption’ that is ‘breaking...
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